Terms & Conditions


Terms & Conditions

Terms of Use



The objective of this policy is to protect KOCAEV’s personal data within the scope of the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK), published on the Official Gazette dated April 7, 2016, with No. 29677, and of GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation, dated May 28, 2018, which is applicable not only within the EU but also outside EU borders. Hence, our policy is aligned with current national and international regulations.

As KOCAEV, we collect your personal data in conjunction with the services provided to our clients, as required for the fulfillment of our contractual obligations, so that we may provide a faster and higher quality service for our clients and we processes these data where necessary. Where needed, we may share your personal data with our business partners and suppliers for enabling the execution of certain tasks and processes, provided that all relevant measures are adopted and only the relevant part is shared.

As KOCAEV, we are aware of our responsibilities regarding protection of personal data, granted primarily as a constitutional right and expressed in various laws, and the need to legally secure them. We place importance to using the personal data you have entrusted us in a safe manner, in line with its purpose.


These terms of use define the rules related with processing and protection of all your personal data managed by KOCAEV. Such data may be those you have submitted during any relevant transaction or application or data received from third parties such as your employer or payer who transferred your data to us, or the data generated during the conduct of a relevant transaction even if they have not been explicitly submitted to our company via another person.

We kindly would like to inform you first of all that the personal data you have shared with us have been sent to us within the framework of your explicit and provable approval in line with the referred scope. We do not collect and share the personal data of any individual without receiving their consent.

Furthermore, they also comprise answers to the following basic questions and information on how such information will be processed and used.

• Which data are collected?

• Why are they collected?

• How are they collected?

• For what purpose and under what conditions do we share data and what are exceptions to sharing outside your consent?

• How will you access your data?

• How will you check your data?

• Are you entitled to request for the deletion of your data?

• What are the measures adopted against illegal processing of data?


1. Which personal data do we collect? Only your name and surname and your contact information (telephone number, e-mail address, address of residence) is collected upon your consent for the purpose of informing you on our services.

We never collect “Special Category Personal Data”.

2. Why do we collect these data? We collect them in order to be able to offer our services and inform you on our services.

3. How do we collect them? Your personal data may be collected upon the completion of the contact form, the career form, registration for receipt of news bulletins on KOCAEV, when you ask us a question, participate in contests, prize draws and surveys or if you visit our website.

4. Under what terms and for what purpose do we share them? KOCAEV processes mandatory data which need to fulfilled as much as possible within the scope of KVKK and GDPR and/or the liabilities arising from contractual relations and enabling the utilization of rights. As per article 5/2 of KVKK, data processing may be shared in case of presence of the following exceptions; these conditions are not subject to the consent of the data subject:

a) Where this is explicitly foreseen by laws.

b) Where this is mandatory in order to ensure the integrity of the life or body of a person or someone else who is not able to grant consent due to factual impossibility or whose consent is not regarded to be legally valid.

c) Where it is necessary to process the personal data of contracting parties, provided that this is directly affiliated with signing or execution of a contract.

d) Where it is mandatory for enabling the data controller to fulfill his/her liabilities.

e) Where this is made public by the relevant data subject himself/herself.

f) Where data processing is mandatory for establishing, using or protecting a right.

g) Where data processing is mandatory is for legitimate interests of data controller, provided that this does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the relevant person.

As explicit consent of the data subject is not required in order to enable processing of data under these conditions, you are not entitled to request for the destruction of the relevant data until the relevant justification of exception becomes void. In cases where abovementioned conditions have not occurred or were previously present but are no longer applicable, for example when the service you have received has terminated and it is no longer necessary to process data as prescribed by law, you may request for the destruction of your processed data. You may apply to KOCAEV for this request by sending us an e-mail to info@kocaev.com

5. How will you access your data? The fundamental principle of KOCAEV regarding this matter, as prescribed by the relevant law, is to process data as much and as long as required, to establish a structure that grants access only for relevant persons and adopt all security measures required for the protection of data. The measures adopted regarding this matter and the transactions conducted are reported to the registry of data controllers as per the relevant regulation; the referred registry is under public domain and may be accessed at www.kvkk.gov.tr.

6. For what purpose and under what conditions do we share your data and what are the exceptions for sharing data outside your consent? The following has been listed in Article 11 of KVKK:

ARTICLE 11 - (1) Everyone, in connection with herself/himself, has the right to:

a) Learn whether or not her/his personal data have been processed,

b) Request information as to processing if her/his data have been processed,

c) Learn the purpose of processing of the personal data and whether data are used in accordance with their purpose,

d) Know the third parties in the country or abroad to whom personal data have been transferred,

e) Request the correction of incomplete or inaccurate personal data, if any,

by applying to the data controller.

7. Are you entitled to request for the deletion of your data? You may apply to the designated communication channels anytime you want during provision of services to you and request for the deletion of your data.

8. What are the measures adopted against illegal processing of data? As the data controller, it is the responsibility of our company Pir Turistik Tesisler İnşaat/İşletme Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. to protect and store data.


In case of discordance between KVKK and other relevant legislative provisions and this policy, the relevant provisions of KVKK and GDPR shall primarily apply. These Terms of Protection and Use of Personal Data have been drafted by the management of KOCAEV.
